Our validations

GeodAIsics has filed 2 patents on its AI technology, covering major topics for any future use.

Patent FR2303553

Customizing medical reference values for each individual by creating their digital twin to detect diseases earlier.

Patent FR2313807

Discover new diseases or subtypes of diseases, surpassing the best experts in analyzing complex medical data.

Our scientific publications

 1. Attyé A, Renard F, Calamante F et al. Data-driven normative values based on generative manifold learning for quantitative MRI . Scientific Reports 2024.

 2.  Attyé A. Intérêt de l’intelligence artificielle pour la détection des malformations labyrinthiques à partir de données d’imagerie médicale. La Lettre d’ORL 2024.

3. Quatre R, Schmerber S, Attyé A. Improving rehabilitation of deaf patients by advanced imaging before cochlear implantation. Journal of Neuroradiology 2024.

4. Digital twins in cancer research and treatment: A future for personalized medicine. Heudel PE, Renard F, Attyé A. Bull Cancer 2023



Wendy van der Linden, BYG4Lab

“The collaboration and development of GeodAIsics’ AI adapted to our Ynfectio software was quick and efficient.

Both technical teams were able to communicate effectively, bringing their respective expertise to achieve tangible and actionable results quickly.

The integration of AI modules into our epidemiology software is a true innovation that will allow us to provide significant value to our users.”

M.D. Valery BRUNEL, Biologist Pharmacist

“I would like to emphasize the performance of the highly innovative GML tools, which are particularly well-suited for medical biology analytics. Collaborating with GeodAIsics also means relying on the professionalism of their medical and scientific team.

GeodAIsics’ ability to offer personalized artificial intelligence tools is a significant asset for the future of medicine, aiding healthcare providers in patient management.”

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